Friday, September 21, 2007

Team run Results

Benn,Tad, and Jeff......4th!
Scotty,Brett, and Jim...not sure
Zuz,Ash, and Caroline...9th


Anonymous said...

Congrats! It was so exciting watching you guys!

Good luck Ben in your individual!

Anonymous said...

Nice on the team runs! How has the course been? Benn, Sarah tells me she is very glad that the two of us weren't on the team at the same time, because we would be "peas in a pod" and too much for everyone to handle.

Good luck to everyone the rest of the weekend. Looking forward to the next installment of La Cebolla.

Anonymous said...

But Mary, Benn's not a good kisser!

Anonymous said...

Saturday - Good Luck Scotty, Brett and Ben!

Sunday - Good Luck Ashley, Caroline, Austin, Cluck, Ricky, and Casey!